Time for another humiliating diaper mindfuck. Familiar with the word "cloaca?" you are about to be. YOU have one. That's right. You are not only diapersexual but also a diaper loser. Therefore you must be humiliated and dehumanized like the diaper wearing weirdo you are. So from now on you have a CLOACA. What is a cloaca? Basically a sexual organ slash waste exit. That is what YOU have because you are a desexed and humiliated diapersexual weirdo. Your privates and your filth are always mushing around together down there anyways. they have already merged into one disgusting item, havn't they? YES. Your hole(s). Your genitals. Your waste holes. They are all sort of mushed into one and you are always wearing your toilet around like a weirdo. So from now on whatever you have going on down there is now to be referred to as a CLOACA. It all makes too much sense. You'll see after you hear my excellent diaper logic for yourself. Start using the term. YOU LOVE my humiliation. So this one is a must. And now a word you will use for yourself. I expect it, you accept it.
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