Degrating My Pissy Pants Boyfriend I’ve had it with you. For the past two weeks we’ve had to leave wherever we’re at because you pissed or messed your pants. It’s always the same pathetic ‘I don’t know what happened’ or ‘It was an accident’. Maybe the accident is someone let you out of diapers. You are so pathetic, but you amuse me. So if you want me to continue to be your girlfriend, this is how things will be. You’re going to be a walking porta-potty. Anywhere, anytime you can mess and piss your pants since you’ll be wearing diapers. And anytime I feel like I need to go relieve myself, all I will need to do is open the back of your diaper. This way your pissy pants won’t bother anyone else. And as for that so called dick of yours - it's an embarrassment to say I ever tried to jerk it off. It’s legit smaller than my clit. I looked into getting you a cock cage but guess what- your pathetic was dick was too small. You should be humiliated, especially since you’re squirming as I degrade every ounce of your manhood. Your pathetic excuse of a cock is getting hard thinking about how humiliating your existence is to me. Your big dick energy is now your saggy diaper and ridiculously small clit energy. I’m here to remind you that this is what you deserve: to sit in your own piss and mess (and sometimes my own), not have your dick even considered a dick- being downgraded to a small clit- always remember that my clit is bigger. What other girlfriend can say that? It’s pathetic. And I have the authority to paddle your bare bottom whenever and wherever. You’ll squirm and cry out while I paddle your bottom, scolding you for whatever needs to be corrected. No one will ever see you as ‘one of the guys with big dick energy’. Your ass will always be sore, your diapers will always be sagging and your head will constantly play the reminder “you a pathetic excuse for a grown man, and you belong to me.”
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