Towering in at 6' and 172lbs, Sablique Von Lux gazes over her opponent, a puny 5'2 and 90lbs man Frank, in comparison to her gigantic strong stature. Laughing, she knows exactly how this is going to go for poor little Frank. Sablique is confidant that she can easily overcome her wimpy, pathetic opponent, Little Frank. With their evident height and weight disparities, how could Frank possibly compete against his enormous, muscular opponent, Sablique? She has definitely gotten way too hot in terms of appearance; her goddess aura is truly calming for guys, but when you get to see her scissor and pound every opponent, she makes sure to leave no crumbs behind, slamming their tiny little weak bodies and crus**ing them so hard they end up running away limping. As she notices Frank going to rush over her for the first attempt to grab her, she instantly protects herself - effortlessly taking him by his neck, scissoring his tiny wobbling head with both her strong, solid legs. She squeezes his head tighter and tighter, as her hands completely cover his mouth and nose, preventing him from breathing and fighting back. Now that she has totally seized control of Frank's fragility and stiff match-like body, she does not stop whenever he taps out and signals for retreat. She's absolutely fulfilling Frank's sweet little dream to fight her, saying she shouldn't waste the large sum of money Frank has spent for this moment to happen. With much excitement, she's determined to put up a fight, even if it means Frank getting crushed and scissored by her strong, slender arms and legs. Meanwhile, Frank’s body progressively becomes slick as a result of the sweat he made from having his limbs and bones enormously squashed by Sablique's strong muscles, and especially the sweat from the terror and adrenaline of being completely dominated by the lady he has long desired to match up with. Holding out for as long as he possibly can each submission hold, Frank pushes himself past the limit of pain in an extreme match up mixed wrestling match.
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