You and I work at a chemical plant and are about to begin our shift together. That starts with us putting our PPE on, but while we're in the middle of that, your begin to spray me with a poisonous chemical. I'm caught off guard by this and beg you not to. You begin spraying me as I begin coughing. This goes for several minutes before I succumb to the fumes. This video includes two versions, one where I only put my gloves on and your entire field of view is visible. The second half of the video consists of the same scenario, but I put my hazmat suit on before getting gassed. In this version, your view is shown from behind the visor of a 3M full face respirator while you spray me. This video is the first half of a larger video called "GASSING Sierra!" The other video is medical focused. The complete package can be purchased at a discounted price.
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