Cyrus arrives at the home of his boyfriend Caden, looking shaken. Cyrus reveals that after years in the closet, he finally came out to his f_mily, but it went poorly. Specifically, when his p_rents found out he's dating an older man, they got very upset and kicked him out of the house. Caden is sympathetic and comforting as he listens to his boyfriend's troubles, and says that he's so sorry they didn't understand. Caden asks Cyrus if he wants to call things off between them, assuming that Cyrus came here to end things to get back on his family's good side. But to his relief and joy, Cyrus says that their relationship is more important to him than his family's acceptance. He just doesn't know what to do now. Caden gets an idea and suggests that Cyrus come live with him. Cyrus is surprised - isn't that a huge step in their relationship? But Caden says that Cyrus was willing to make his own huge step today, so why don't they make another happier one together? Cyrus is overjoyed and relieved, and they celebrate with tender, passionate lovemaking.
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