[05-2023] (English) Ophelia is in the waiting room with shortness of breath and chest pains but is not treated seriously enough by the support staff. She is gasping for breath in the waiting room and the assistant is too late when she comes out to get her. The small medical team does everything they can. They immediately start CPR and ambu ventilation while they cut off her top and bra. Deep and strong chest compressions are applied. They place AED pads on the patient's chest, but no results are obtained after use. After a few rounds of dramatic resus, Ophelia is breathing regularly again. They immediately place a 12-lead ECG on her chest but soon have to resume CPR. After another couple of tense rounds, the patient's heart returns to normal rhythm. Ophelia responds after several AEDs. An exciting on location resuscitation with deep and strong chest compressions, multiple AED with Hollywood style response. A must-see clip for all resus fans. (in HD 1920X1080) - OPandER
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