Ultragirl obliges Emma in her fantasy to have fun by tying her up...but London doesn't know about her ulterior motive yet. Emma takes rope, ties Ultragirl's hands behind her back, then knees and ankles. But London it taken aback when Emma says a magic phrase. Emma repeats the phrase and suddenly her belt that contains her powers vanishes. Catwoman then comes in, thanking Emma for doing her dirty work. But it's a double cross as Catwoman takes rope and hogties Emma. She takes tape and tape gags both girls. To finish her devious plot, she puts a bomb by the girls, sets the timer and leaves. The girls struggle to get free without success until Emma says the magic phrase in reverse and now Ultragirl has her belt and powers back. She frees herself and then Emma and is off to hunt down Catwoman. She finds Catwoman at home, they struggle but Ultragirl overpowers her, takes off her power belt and places it on herself, giving her even more powers. Ultragirl ties Catwoman's hands behind her back and leads her off to collect a reward for her capture.
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