I’m shopping in a big department store :) I’m wearing a black and white jumper, a black and white skirt, on my cute little feet I have on my black ankle length boots, and underneath my skirt is a tight fitting Pampers. I make my way along an aisle in the store, and I can’t resist being a cheeky scamp and lifting up my skirt to expose my Pampers ;) My bladder feels extremely full, so I decide to squat down and empty myself right here in the middle of the store! You know I like to take risks ;) I get onto my haunches so that you get a great view of my Pampers, and then I let things flow! A warm jet steadily floods my Pampers, and you can actually see it growing it size as it takes on my liquid :D I know that someone might be watching me, but this wetting feels so good, and I don’t even think of stopping! When I’m finished, I stand up and adjust my skirt, only now my Pampers is much bulkier than it was before. The rest of my shopping trip should be very interesting indeed ;)
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