The sight of my long slender legs in these platform boots is one you will not soon be forgetting... You're back again to get your boot fix, I know. These boots paired with my piercing sapphire eyes and soft, sensual voice leave you completely entranced. Once you hit play there's no hope left; all willpower is completely DRAINED. Next, I control every thought that enters your mind. Your ability to be a free thinker has completely disappeared. I control your mind now. And as I control your mind, I control your cock. Your mind and your cock are interchangeable; if I influence one, I influence the other. Simultaneously. Effortlessly. This makes it extremely easy to get what I want from you. I can make you do anything I say. I can get you to have new fetishes that you've never been interested in before. NO free thinking left. The fact that you're sitting there, stroking to my black leather boots is proof of this fact. And you know full well that the more you look, the more you can't look away. Even as I tell you NOT to look, NOT to fantasize, NOT to stare, you still do...all while stroking helplessly for me. You can feel yourself becoming more and more my slave with each second that passes, your weakness for my black leather boots reaching a tipping point in your psyche. Each stroke, binding you to me. But will I allow you the pleasure of release? Or will I decide to keep you in this overaroused state of leather boot BLISS, where you're ACHING, DESPERATE, OWNED...
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