I received a new surprise BBC toy in the mail yesterday and I'm so excited to try it out. I actually waited a day so that I could make this video for you guys. My new BBC is massive compared to my old one. I show you guys the size difference, it's a huge 10 inches compared to my old 8inch. I start by seeing how far I can stick it in my mouth, wow that's a mouth full. I then sit down with it between my legs, it sits above my belly button. This makes me so excited, its going to stretch my pretty pink pussy to it's limits. I then hold it between my massive tits. You can see how excited I am by how puffy my nipples are. I honestly didn't know I was THAT excited about it. After I go full on with my new toy, it makes a squirt more then once. Are you ready to see how deep I take my new toy? Are you ready to cum for Jen? #10inchbbctoy #bigtoy #dildofucking #bigtits #bigass #squirting
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