After a very intense class of pole dancing, I took myself back to my room to relax. FinessingBodies knocks on my door. I wasn’t expecting to see her because I texted her I was in too much pain to join the festivities. She offered to rub my shoulder and the second she touched me I felt my pussy tingle. It was definitely weird I was feeling that way towards my good friend, but I thought fuck it. I knew she did more than just massages so I asked her for the full package. Right as she was about to make me cum, I heard another knock at the door. Oh no, I forgot I ordered Doordash. I told him come in and he was a bit shocked with my lack of clothing and my friend’s hands all up in my bush. The worker was pretty cute but he seemed like he wanted my friend more than me. I was pretty satisfied but I could tell she wasn’t. What type of friend would I be in I cock blocked the one guy who’s been interested in her for a while. I gather my things and took myself out the room so they could have their privacy. I’m not sure what happened when I left but I know I had a lot of cum to clean off my bed sheets. (I am only present in the video during the first half where she is massaging me)
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