There's been a lot going on in my life and I thought it would be a good time to make a new update video, especially since I've been growing a lot recently. I even have a confession to make -- ever since moving apartments opened my eyes to just how terribly out of shape I am, I told myself that it was time to get to the gym! I talk in depth about what exactly made me make this decision and how my horrible fitness scared me into trying to slow down my gain a little. After going on an intense rapid gaining spree, I didn't realize just how horrible my mobility had gotten and the aches and pain caused by the unintended exercise from my move only highlighted that. My fat chat focuses on that realization and the events that followed after deciding to try to work on my fitness. However, as you can tell I've only gotten fatter than ever! I admit that my attempt to get more exercise ended up being a total failure. After only going to the gym a couple of times I completely fell off the wagon and have been stuffing my face ever since. Honestly, the whole scenarios turns me on so much that I knew I would have to have a jug of melted ice cream to chug as I told this story. Knowing just how much I embody the stereotype of the helpless fatty desperately trying to get a little more fit only to spectacularly fail and end up even more obese and out of shape than before is really hot to me. It's like I was just meant to be a greedy hog who can't control their weight. I talk about my gym attempts and how I really struggled with the exercise, and how it turned me on so much to be so embarrassed about how unfit I was that I would stuff my face every time after I went to the gym. I even show a clip I took of me exercising at the gym looking super round and out of breath. I then go more in depth on my plans to keep gaining and then take the time to chug the rest of my ice cream. And just to cap it all off, my belly gets so bloated that I end up breaking my belly chain! My belly just bursts out of it, I was so surprised! A fat chat/storytime style clip that goes in depth about my recent move, my mobility status, and how I was "scared straight" into going back to the gym. Includes tons of descriptions of the unintended side effects of my weight gain and how much I struggled to exercise. Filled with tons of belly play and ice cream chugging and ends with me bursting out of my belly chain! This clip has a lot of talking but I think it's all super hot. Also I know that the ice cream was a low calorie ice cream -- a family member got it for me, maybe they were trying to make a subtle point about my weight lol.
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