We’re at your family’s house for dinner, and I’m downing sparkling water as usual even though I’m already gassy. I shamelessly release a big burp, then look at you and say “It’s just a burp, and you know I can do louder.” I continue on with my meal and continue releasing massive belches with no regard for anyone around me. After a while of burping and occasionally attempting small talk, I release another burp and say “fine, if you can’t handle my burps then lets just leave.” Once home, we immediately begin fighting. I’m so pissed off that you took your families side in complaining about my gas. I tell you, “I don’t care! I’ll burp whenever and however loud I want to!” We go back and forth for a while, with me being very condescending and angry. After a few minutes of this, I tell you, “I can’t deal with this anymore, I’m just going to shrink you.” I blow a big burp in your face and you shrink down to the height of my ankles. I immediately begin teasing you- I mean god, I am so much bigger and stronger than you! How embarrassing! I grab another soda to power some more big burps and start blasting them off above you. After a few burps, I pick you up and have some fun dominating you. I blast off tons of burps in your face and continue to humiliate you with degrading insults. I make it very clear that I will keep burping as loud as I want, wherever I want, and in front of whoever I want. I even threaten to drive back to your family’s house to burp in their faces. I won’t stop rejoicing at how weak and small you are now compared to me. I allude to other times I have burped in public. I hold you over my mouth to taunt you and I note that your whole body is smaller than my tits. I complain that I didn’t get to eat my dinner, but I do have a solution- I open wide, put you in my mouth, and gulp you down. 3rd person POV- I stand in the living room after swallowing you. My belly is nice and bloated as I keep burping and taunting you. I tell you that you’ll never get out, and that your squirming is just making me burp more. I can even taste you on my burps!
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