A Zombie movie about a girl pissing her panties. Little unicorndisney has to leave her Step-Daddy in the old car to go and forage for some medicines, she finds a new pair of Hunter Wellies, but she's caught by another gang taken to their base and interrogated as to the whereabouts of her own gang, it's size and strength. Naturally the brave girl is not going to tell them anything that would risk the capture of her dear Step-Daddy, but as time is ticking by this perverted gang have a plan. They keep a zombies head in a box, as a sick way of getting people to talk...this should loosen her lips, at least one of them. It does that alright and the frightened girl pisses her self, actually for about a third of this movie. Maybe it's all some elaborate set up to justify and legitimate a girl pissing herself in time for Halloween !!! Not forgetting it is sort of part 2.
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