Pumping montage compilation - HD 720p

sep 25, 2017Stream and Download602.00 B07m51sHD

HD 720p 30fps Video - This video is lower quality than my usual videos. Usually I shoot in 1080p 60fps but these were on the go selfie cam vids so they will be discounted. They're still AWESOME pumping videos! Enjoy!!! - **DESCRIPTION** It has been so long and I have missed you all!!! I'm sorry to have been away but I was off getting super pregnant and now am back and milkier than ever!! If you watched my previous pumping videos you'll be amazed at the difference and how much sweet creamy milk I'm making. This is actually a collection of 3 pumping videos. Why you might ask? Because my supply is so strong that I can pump in no time at all ;) Not only that, but my let down is so strong you can actually hear my milk spraying into the plastic and hear it splash into the bottle. I hope you enjoy the copious amounts of sweet milky goodness I can produce now as much as I enjoy making and sharing it ;) - **Key Words: ** breast pump let down side view wet sounds

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