It is said that the closer the halloween date gets, the thinner the veil bewteen the 2 words becomes. Maybe that has something to do with what's about to happen to you. As if you're influenced by an external presence, you've been really attracted to darkness lately.. desiring to be bent to someone else's will and give in to lustful things. Your need for mental corruption and your arousal are strictly tied. But what will you do if you get the choice to break free from this pattern? An angelic presence appears to you in a vision. Maybe she will present you a choice and help you.. or maybe she'll make you realize the raw truth. You notice her deep eyes, are maybe sparkling of a peculiar light (or is it your impression?). Did they just sparkled? You're so lost in those eyes... *clunk* You jolt awake for a moment. Wondering what that sound was.. somehow you feel more restrained.. as this being finally reveals herself. It looks like this demoness chose you to become her special servant.. the only requirement is.. to become a living zombie. Don't worry, she knows how to proceed. Afterall, this demoness knows what you will choose. Despite the curse..
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