My porn is the only thing that prevents you from becoming bored with your wife. Your marriage has been stagnant for a very long time. How dull is your wife? I suppose you're just accustomed to her. You thus slip away to perform menial jobs like stroking my feet and ass, sending me presents, and fantasizing about my pussy. You haven't even fucked your wife in years. You've had enough of fucking your wife. You're deluded. via shame. I'm nothing like your wife. She is not me at all. You are aware of this. You can't stop pounding on my delicious ass because of this. Imagine my flawless ass jumping in your face at this very moment. What a lovely sight. Now consider placing your face exactly where my asshole is and taking a whiff. You ought to separate from your wife now. Use me to cheat on your wife. I have a ton of additional enjoyable ideas for stuff we might do. That will put an end to your boring thoughts. It seems so wonderful to cheat on your wife. You may even act as my personal lavatory. I do not respect you enough to do anything to you that your wife would never even consider doing. To give you more time and energy to devote to serving me and me alone, I would much rather destroy your marriage and put an end to it permanently. Steal from your spouse. In fact, create a Tinder account, swipe through the attractive people, and choose someone to hook up with.
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