Dear Shye White, I've found your inside mouth videos, and I think it looks very delicious with all that saliva. Now I've got a request for a special video: Can you do a video where you build up as much pure saliva as you can to offer it as a beverage afterwards? The most important: really your pure saliva, not mixed with anything else! No food or beverage, no chewing gum, no toothpaste, and I would also prefer without lipstick. And also important: No hocking or coughing up of throat phlegm, really just pure mouth saliva, nothing else! For the first at least five minutes, you show inside your mouth how you build up a lot of saliva. If possible, do that with your endoscopic cam, so that we can see the massive amount of saliva from inside your mouth. If this is not possible, then do it with ultra closeups inside your mouth from outside. What we see is a growing ocean inside your mouth. You show the saliva under your tongue, you play around with it inside your mouth, you let your mouth get as full as you can. Then you drool it all into a glass or a transparent cup. You show the cup with all your saliva close to cam and offer it as a beverage. If you want, you can also pour the saliva from the glass "into my mouth", so that for me it looks as if I am swallowing it. And if you want, you can even give me some dessert afterwards - pure fresh saliva directly from your mouth to mine. When you do this video, you are aware that your saliva is the most delicious beverage in the World, and addictive to a lot of men. I wish I could be there to have a taste for real, but at least that video helps me imagine that taste which makes me really hot!
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