This is part four (4) of my color training, brain defragmentation. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey to emotional balance and a unique fusion of color psychology and brain submission designed for submissive beta "men" seeking meaningful behavioral change. Commit to watching this captivating training twice a day for just 14 days, and witness the remarkable shifts in your mindset and beta behavior. Obedience is pleasure. Wear headphones for a stronger effect. You should watch it once in the morning and once at night for fourteen days. Watch the Purple training before watching this training for a stronger effect. The color training is going to break your mind into tiny pieces and defragment it in a new way, your new beta way. You are a submissive brainless beta cuck, I am melting your mind more and more... every, single.... day. this is a mesmerizing experience tailored to unlock the latent potential within your anterior cingulate cortex. This vital part of your brain is the key to regulating emotions, enhancing conflict resolution skills, and cultivating a profound sense of inner harmony… I am going to reshape it and help you achieve your true purpose as a submissive beta man. Feeling more submissive than before.
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