Make it go Vroom again! Starring Nala Kristine and Robert Morganxxx Cars break down... We've all been there, and it always happens when you least expect it! Poor Nala has been stuck for hours waiting for help with her car that just died... With each car that passes by she loses a little more hope that she will make it home anytime soon. She tries to flag people down, call the highway patrol and no luck.... Until good Samaritan Robert Morgan comes upon her and her car troubles. Robert's no mechanic but he took a look and realized it was a fairly simple fix after all, adjusted a few wires and Bam... Car goes vroom. She is so excited to have a working vehicle again that she goes from damsel in distress to cock hungry slut as she eager starts to jerk Robert's cock off as a way to say thanks! As his cock throbs in her hand she gets even more eager to show him what a good little slut she can be by stroking him harder and faster until he explodes in her hands
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