[TEDDY-BEAR xXx-MAS] This year I have "MORE or LESS" been a GOOD GiRL so SANTA brought me this snow white TEDDY BEAR. It you have seen any of my photoSETs or MOViEs you'll know why it's "MORE or LESS". ;D haha. I'm in a SHORT RED and WHiTE POLKA DOT DRESS, CANDY-CANE STRiPPED SOCKs and WHiTE TENNiS SHOEs. I have a BUNCH of NEW TRiPLE xXx-MAS ViDs coming out this week and next. You can make my CHRiSTMAS MERRY & BRiGHT if you GRAB as many as you can. :) I have kept the PRiCE reasonable and there will be a BiG SALE! EVERYTHiNG is DISCOUNTED! THANKs! xoxo
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