I feel so bad for you, it must be so hard to resist all the damage from hot brats. It's so addicting, I mean drain after drain when will you ever get a break? some mercy? Back to back domination from all the clips that Prrincess Cherry uploads, so hard not to re la pse ... there there, it will all be alright. I'm going to help you, it's only right that I offer some form of care. So here it is, a care package just for you weak boy. This will help you quit once and for all.. As a brat who has manipulated, broken you down and taken everything while giving no fucks, the least I can do is give back a little, provide you with some help, so make sure you take notes, and follow along to a T to get on the road to quitting ASAP. No more re la ps ing for this body, no matter how tempting, I've got the remedy, just what you need My little beta boy. First things first, is you'll need to go a little bit deeper, yes the only way out, is through. You're going to go in a little deeper, with My help and guidance. We're going to get this fully out of your system, we're going to make sure you really want to quit this femdom and start living a normal life, no more obsessively stroking that cock for this little body, finally be able to save up some money. I get it I get it yes, we will get that all out of your system, first things first you need to go get....
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