Once every 4 years, leap day happens and the magic goddess of time gets an dextra special feat of power. There have been some doozies and mistakes in the past…. But this one is goignt ot be great, she reassures you. Oh, you're confused why you're here and frozen? Fret not, tongith when you go to bed, you're going to age backwards into a wee babe for her! And, because you'll be kind of human and kind of magic and new as of leap day.. you'll only age one year on leap day. this means you'll age one fourth as fast as others and you can stay younger and healthy with your witch mommy for longer. She can care for you, teaching you all these great things while your brain stays maleable for longer. You'll have nothing to worry about or want for as she and her friends all have magical powers and she will have four times as long to save up for your future. Though she does have quite a fortune from her anti aging creams, truth be told. You'll be her sweet babe getting a do-over on life. she will be the perfect figure tyo raise you, feed you the best foods, make you athletic and intelligent. You'll be one of the luckiest magical human hybrids to ever exist with no stress! *camera focus issue makes vision slightly blurred, as reflected in lowered price!
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