Your room mate of many years has taken the next step in his relationship and asked his girlfriend to move in with him. Since you live in the same house you and her see each other a lot. His girlfriend kept to herself in their bedroom for a while until your room mate got a new job with long hours. You try to avoid looking every time but a few days go by and you finally decide to confront her. You make the point that it’s wrong to see her like this since she’s with your friend but she insists she doesn’t care. So you decide to put her to the test. “You don’t care huh?” “Nope..” so you say to her prove it. Prove to me how much you don’t care. To which she replies along the lines of “ok.. tell me what to do”“Sit down, open your legs and piss.” You finally got her. She hesitated and asks what your talking about how can you ask that, why etc. to which you reply along the lines of “ha see I win” she says “no way.. ask me something else I’ll do it” so you double down. “Sit down, open your legs and pee everywhere.”
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