You and I are not alike. I am attractive and I attract. What do you attract? Who compliments you? I bet people just walk past you like you don't exist. Loser. You are a gooner. You need to do it constantly. When you stop gooning that's when your reality sets in... loser, loser, LOSER, LOSER! Hahahahahaha. You can only escape your sad life when you are gooning to me. Gooning to me is your happy place. This is where you belong loser. You aren't wanted by women. They don't want you. You aren't a stud. You aren't a hot guy. You're a loser. Forever. I'm a winner and you are a loser. You want to be in my presence however you can because that's what losers do. They try to be as close to winners as possible. You need purpose in this life. You need it to feel some sort of hope in your sad life. Something to look forward to. So goon. Goon forever, bitch. You'll Also Love: Little Dicks Never Win- Bratty Ebony Goddess Rosie Reed Humiliates And Emasculates Little Dick Losers- Brat Princess- 1080p HD You’re Never Going To Fuck, Give Up- 1080p HD So Beautiful Humiliation- 1080p HD
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