You're so obsessed with Hairy Pussy. Do you even care that I have a face too? You probably don't. You probably don't care about anything else in your own life. All you care about is delicious Hairy Pussy. Specifically: THIS Hairy Pussy. You love those hairy thighs going into that Full Bush. Ass soon as you just get a glimpse of this full bush, you go absolutely bonkers. You forget everything you have going on in your life. You're ready to just completely ruin your life. You're so obsessed, so addicted. What does it feel like to be pussy addicted? To be such a slave to your own primal urges and desires, to not be able to think anymore, to be so willing to let your entire life fall apart. Do you remember those simpler times in life, when you thought shaved pussy was IT. Until you found a Hairy Goddess that showed you what pleasure is really about. You will do anything to be able to worship this hairy pussy. The only pussy that will fulfill your cravings. I almost feel bad for you, to be so close yet so far away. To know that the perfect pussy is out there, yet you will never be able to experience it in real life. This is why they say be careful what you wish for, caus you just might get it. You've been praying for the perfect Hairy Pussy, and here it is, and you will never TRULY experience it. You'll truly be chasing the Dragon forever.
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