Alright Campers!! Today's humiliating challenge is really gonna set apart the cool dudes... from the geeks & losers! You're gonna be giving each other wedgies! The camper who can give their partner the worst wedgies will get crowned the cool one & the camper who taps out first will be known as a total loser and have to spend their evening cleaning the bathrooms... WITH their toothbrushes!! The first pair I choose is.. Gwen(@FayeDawnX) and.... Lindsay(@TheGigiSweets)! The two total opposites have to fight to prove which is better!? Oh, I GOTTA see this!! Gwen is gonna kick Lindsay's butt!! Or.. does Lindsay actually have some skill inside that hollow bimbo brain of hers? Big tit Lindsay or big ass Gwen... Who will come out as the winner and who will forever be known as the camp loser!?
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