Where oh where will this path with Prrincess lead you? Although you know it may be risky, you wan't to take your chances and find out. You can't resist. You want to play with Prrincess regardless of the risk of the game. My hotness overrides any hesitation. After all this time you've spent worshipping, you still have not gotten enough. You want to go deeper and feel new levels of euphoria, new depths of mind fucking. Prrincess Cherry is oh so very addicting. I'm a dangerously expensive Goddess. A delicious game you just can't find the will power to opt out of. You keep coming back, more and more frequent than the last time. The longer you attempt to go without worship, the more I flood your brain. You're very much addicted and I'm very much a bad example. I'm going to keep dealing you with the loosing cards. Fueling your Prrincess Cherry addiction. To rot your brain and corrupt it past the point of no return. One clip binge after clip binge after clip binge
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