Your spoiled little babe boy. You have everything, You have the best Mommy. Your Principal found 420 inside your locker... You're going to college, you can't have that in your record. You know that, right? That Principal...He always kept a look at Mommy's when I was at the school. And he said that your future was compromised by this cigarrete. But I could make thing right if I let him FUCK ME. Do you know what I had to do with the principal so he could forget about it? Here's your punishment: You will hear what your Principal did to Mommy while Mommy smokes your cigarette in front of you. You stone perv. That's what you are. Are you getting hard hearing how he fucked me over his table? How he fucked my throat to save you life? Mommy, Bully, 420, Used, Humiliation, Punishment, 420, stoner
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