You're here because there's something in me that has you hooked, you still don't know what it is but you like it. You enjoy the sensation in your body after watching one of my videos, and you definitely want more and more. It's not a bad thing that's happening to you; I love knowing that I'm on your mind and you're considering giving me quality service. But for that, you need training. I didn't become this Goddess of the night overnight either; from my light and my darkness, I now have the power for you to be someone important to you, to me, to society. This is about us, and believe me, it can work. You're doing fine; just trust me. I want your mind to be occupied and for you to show me that you're thinking of me. I've left you a PDF that once you buy will bring you a list of simple things until your next lesson with me. You were born for this... you love it, you know it.
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