I LOVE being barefoot all day when the weather's nice out! But omg my feet end up soooo icky!! I order pathetic foot slave to lick my blackened soles while I talk about ALL the places I was barefoot today! Like: shopping, walking at the park, the gym, filled up my car at the gas station (I think those were oil stains on the concrete??)... I even went into the women's PUBLIC RESTROOM barefoot lmao!! That's why my feet are black--I'm sure they taste amazing lol. A combination of salty foot sweat and unmentionable grime. I ridicule foot loser throughout as he licks my dirty feet clean and tell beta boy how it makes my pussy wet to humiliate him like this! and lord only knows what's between my toes but I make dumbass lick there too, and suck on them. All I do is treat him lower than dirt and make him lick feet and be my bitch--because it turns me on! I make foot slave rub my superior feet for a bit, then relick them while I take a nap. MY LIFE RULES.
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