You came for some helpful counseling, but after today, I think I might just change your life for the better! You've been having several issues in your life, with substance use, relationships, work.. all the things just seem to be falling apart. That's why you've been coming to Doctor Sydney, who specializes in helping turn people's life around. She starts to ask you questions about your bad habits and really wants you to open up to her. She can see there's a lot of issues in your life. Then she asks what would be something you can focus on instead, something that would fill in those needs you feel so deeply. You confess it would be a woman, someone like her in fact. She's surprised by your answer but she also thinks that makes sense. If you had a powerful woman like her in your life, it could definitely prevent you from veering off into bad habits. She says that having someone around to you know, help her with her business and perhaps, some more personal things that could be a huge benefit to her as well. Do you think that could be you? Of course, you would have to do everything she wants without question. She can tell you're getting excited by the prospect of this and pushes it further. Actually, she thinks she would really love to have someone who could serve her as her sex slave. The bulge in your pants is all she needs to know that you'd be down to be this for her. Of course, it's not going to be easy. You'll have to please her as much as she wants, serve her in any capacity and she would probably want to put you in a collar and chastity cage once in a while, just to make sure you know who owns you. This would be a great way to help improve your life, give you some purpose and help her in the process, don't you think? I mean, you're not thinking about your other habits at the moment are you? See, it's working. Well, it looks like your counseling sessions are going to get a hell of a lot more interesting!
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