No Judgement Zone! No Judgement Zone! (YES I SUNG THAT LIKE RAESREMMURD) BUT LIKE SERIOUSLY this is a judgement free zone. I am someone who encountered a lot in life, and I'd be a liar if I said I was perfect and didn't have any triggers! Causeeee I liked to get a good roughing up during carnal relations myself *wink wink*, SO are you into something people would call toxic during these times? Have you found out why and come up with healthy coping mechanism's? Is BDSM your healthy coping mechanism???? I'm cool with it, if you are, but only if you're using it for "good" lol. Let's talk about it. I mean we can only be our true selves, right. #SHOWYOURSHAME #SYS Remember, IDC what you look like as long as you love yourself! xoxoPHLATOUT
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