Hello there. In our session today I'm going to walk you through on how to use your orgasm for financial domination. Strip down naked and let's get started. When both people orgasm, breathing, pulse rate and bl 0od pressure continue to rise. Muscle tension and bl ood vessel engorgement reach a peak. Sometimes orgasm comes with a grasping type of muscular reflex of the hands and feet. The orgasm activates the pleasure center of the brain, releasing endorphins. It also causes your minds to temporarily lose control. The lateral orbitofrontal cortex shuts down. This is the region of the brain that is responsible for behavior control.You're essentially in a deep state of surrender to the experience. During orgasm, your brains is flooded with Oxytocin which is the powerful brain chemical that inspires feelings of intimacy. Known as "The Hormone", oxytocin makes you feel connected to me your ther@pist, it bonds you so HARD to me. You can't get enough of me...
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