Let it take you. Let the urge. Let the urge take you. The overwhelming urge. The nonstop craving. Thoughts consuming you. Let it take you. Let it take over. Take over your body. Me. The urge. The urge to give in. The urge to let go. The urge to pay me. The urge to stop resisting. To give into bliss to give into Rapunzel. Its time. Feel it. Do you feel it. There isnt an escape. there s no way out. There isnt an escape. There's no way out. You have no power remaining left in you. Everything is li.mp, heavy. Drain drain drain. Weak weak weak. How do I know it all. I do. I'm your master. Your ruler. You goon, you break, you tremble. You're a beta. You were born to serve me. You're inferior. You're beneath me. There's no comparison. Feel the urge. The urge to give in. To give into my power.
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