4K/ Ziva Fey is in a dark dungeon standing on a pedestal, hair down with a red bra, red thong boot, cut jeans and bare feet. The sexy brunette knows how much you love punching women in the gut, And seeing them throw up bile. So she hires a goon to punch her in the stomach on your behalf over and over again as she giggles and groans in pleasure and pain. The goon punches Ziva in the stomach continuously, making her grow and throw up, bright orange bile the oozes out of her lips & drips with every blow. Her pale, flat stomach begins to get red, purple and bruised. The seductive vixen continues to react to the pleasurable and painful barrage of punches to her gut, As she strips out of her clothing. As she strips, her Tummy becomes more and more bruised and beaten. Ziva loves being punched in the navel, she groans in painful pleasure as she continuously gets punched in the stomach in gut punch pleasure for almost 20 minutes straight. Let Ziva know what you think with this video by giving it a rating!
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