It's finally Saturday. Vanessa, having stayed up late the night before with her new boyfriend, overslept today. Their passionate evening together stretched into the early morning hours, leaving her groggy but content. Upon waking, she went through her morning routine, applying her favorite red lipstick with care. Ready to start her day, she headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. She set out everything for a delicious meal, but her boyfriend decided to skip breakfast. Too bad for him - Cheerios, her favorite cereal, was on the menu! As she poured herself a bowl, she began reading the news on her phone, letting the cereal soak in the milk. Three tiny people, unbeknownst to Vanessa, clung to the edge of her spoon. They gazed at the cereal pieces, hoping they could use them as floatation devices in the milk, which they imagined as a pool she was about to create. They stripped and became fully naked to enjoy the experience even more. However, Vanessa remained oblivious to their presence. Focused on the headlines on her phone, she absentmindedly brought a spoonful of cereal to her mouth. With each bite, the tiny people tried desperately to escape, but the bowl was too deep. One by one, they were swept up by her spoon, disappearing into her mouth. Trapped in her saliva, they were licked, chewed, and swallowed, their tiny screams unheard. Scene shot from multiple angles, including remarkable endoscopic views, showing Vanessa savoring each bite. She continued eating, oblivious to the drama unfolding in her bowl. Each spoonful brought more tiny people to their fate, until only a few Cheerios were left and no tiny witnesses remained to tell their story. Vanessa, engrossed in the news, licked the spoon clean, savoring the last of her milky, sugary breakfast, completely unaware of the tiny lives she had consumed. Shot using a canon g7x mark iii and an endoscopic camera (regular view). MP4. 1st and 3rd person footage.
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