Hmmmmm... I'm not sure. This was the first time I worked with pure color. I have to say, I did miss my slime a bit. The paint wasn't very fluid I was actually a little disappointed by that at first. You know, I love my slime, the cold, the unpredictability of its movement, and the fact that I have to relinquish control. The paint, on the other hand, was very predictable... but in the end, that was probably what kept me grounded in the moment. This time, I was the one who predetermined the path and had to guide everything into the right channels. As a result, what was originally a letting-go became a conscious and deliberate decision, which I found quite appealing after a while. In this video, you can watch as I explore, learn, understand, and eventually, let go completely. Maybe it was the green, but at some point, I got this superhero feeling and couldn't stop smiling anymore (it only comes when you're completely covered, right? Like a shield... ). Dive in and find out how good my ass looks in green!
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