I was thinking, it’s been a while since I completely fried your brain with a fresh bottle - so that is exactly what I plan on doing. I deliver you a series of count ups, count downs, alternative nostril hits, holds and fast / rapid hits. I know how much you’ve been missing me and my dominating instructions, commanding you to sniff exactly how I want you to. I know just how weak and submissive I make you, between my voice and the gas - you are like putting in my hand. I refuse to take no for an answer when you beg for mercy, before ordering you to sniff in harder and even deeper than previously. Your hands start to shake, your vision starts to go blurry and you finally feel as though you can truly be yourself. You NEED to have your mind melted by me. That’s what makes you so truly and utterly addicted to me. Completely helpless, unable to do anything other than following my every word, my every command. Themes: Inhale Instruction, Dominating, Verbal, Leather Filename: 20240620_Leather_Inhale_Fry.mp4
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