Script idea: Smoking video details: Sit and smoke a 100s size cigarette all the way down to the filter with a continuous paced heavy smoking style, with long drags and audible inhales and exhales. Hold the smoke in your lungs briefly and then exhale a stream of smoke from your lips, then very soon after you finish exhaling start taking your next long drag. Then just keep smoking in exactly the same way until you have smoked the entire cigarette to the filter. So this is pretty similar to how you were smoking in your intro video, except what you should do differently is: smoke a non-slim 100s size cigarette (for example West Large, your producer is familiar with these), choose a quieter place to smoke without any background activity so that only the sounds of you inhaling and exhaling are heard on video, and finally smoke with a faster pace so that you finish your cigarette in about 4 minutes. The most important part is that you can smoke your cigarette confidently, so it looks like you smoke them like this all the time. No talking or doing anything else besides just smoking. Wear lipstick, makeup, and your nails how you like, and you can wear the same outfit or something similar as in your intro video. So overall the theme of the video is you really enjoy smoking, so you smoke longer lasting cigarettes with a heavy smoking style and you do it naturally and confidently.
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