I love taking advantage of losers! Using you to get what I want, then throwing you in the trash -- it's just so much fun! If you didn't want to be taken advantage of, then you shouldn't have been so easy to manipulate. It's not my fault! My entire life, men have been eager to bend over backwards to give me anything I want. All I have to do is make demands, and I get anything and everything I could ever desire. Stupid losers like you will always be there, waiting to be used by hot brats like me. You see my hot body and instantly your mind turns to mush! It all rushes right into your hard cock and turns you into a drooling idiot, ready to open your wallet and hand it all over. I don't care about you or what you want! You're completely useless to me if you're not giving me something. You don't even exist when you're not sending. But being used like this makes you sooo horny, so you let me keep doing it! You love being taken advantage of just as much as I love to do it, don't you? You are such a loser!! ♡♡♡ Use a markup code and pay Me more: "wys41122" +50%; "wys72787" +100%; "wys87717" +250%; "wys63091" +500%;
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