Ft. Aria Nicole and Nathalia Pink Aria and Nathalia are stretching before cheer practice, and it just so happens to be a really hot day. When Aria’s not looking, Nathalia collapses from the heat and lack of water. Aria, not really knowing what to do, tries to rescue Nathalia. She tries to cool her down, and when that doesn’t bring her back she carries her off to the pool. Aria splashes Nathalias body with cold water, lifts her cheer dress and soaks her belly as well. When this doesn’t work, Aria begins to administer the best CPR and mouth to mouth she can. Aria remembers hearing something about AED’s in school, and immediately searches for one to use on her teammate. After administering a few shocks to Nathalia’s cardiovascular system, Nathalia wakes back up and Aria gives her water to have and cool down.
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