jul 24, 2024Stream and Download624.39 MB20m56sFHD

There’s a reason why every golden slut who gets their hands on one of my videos ends up buying the entire collection. And today is no exception. If you want your golden tasks to be extensive, thorough, creative, and degrading- this instructional is for you. Looking like an absolute knock-out in monochromatic blue lingerie, teasing you with my thick ass, dirty mind, and endless enthusiasm- my superpower is pushing you to do more and go further than you, a genuine golden addict, even wants to go. Start off with a bursting bladder. Filled up to the brim. You’ll need salt, cereal, a bowl, a spoon, a used sock, bread, a glass, a lemon, and a straw. If your dick twitched against your will reading that list- you know what to do. =)

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