SPECIAL SUMMER DISCOUNT Madame Kapree and Goldenlace are two spoiled socialites, who, of course, married for money. There´s one snag. Yes, they may have all the money in the world, endless garden parties to attend and nothing better to do other than pamper themselves and lunch; but they both have one huge pain in their asses...Their workaholic asshole husbands. If they file for divorce, they will end up homeless. The ever so chic Madame Kapree cooks up a plan for the both to finally be free from their husbands. The two plan to make their husbands disappear with the help of a darkweb bought, shrinking agent. Sneaking the shrinking powder into their husband´s tea the two busy themselves nervously as they wait for the end of their misery. The poor victims transform into sausages and the two finally let their sausage bound husbands know what they really think of them and also let them know how they will chew them up, digest them and flush them down the toilet so they can enjoy a nice insurance pay out and their new found freedom. Perhaps a holiday to the Maldives? What are you waiting for! Get this incredible clip NOW! You won't regret it!
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