Your Dad lost his job and Mom comes clean that the whole family is broke. You enter your Mom into a modelling interview for yoga pants. She has a fantastic body so you think she will do great. You go along to the shoot with her. She is doing great and she looks great. They ask her to shoot some lingerie and she reluctantly agrees for the extra cash. They ask you to step outside because thats not appropriate. Whilst you are outside they suggest porn, and offer your Mom 25k to shoot live. Whilst this is happening inside, they suggest to you the same thing. As your led back into the room, neither of you realise you will be fucking eachother. Mom is horrified, but you both discuss it and agree it can be faked. Whilst posing in between Mom's legs the photographer shouts that he will give you 50k for penetration. You both agree because that will change your lives. But Mom is ovulating so you have to be careful. If you go slow, neither of you will cum..... Well that was the plan anyway. Custom name mentioned a few times.
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