Your aunt has been living with you and your Mum for ages now and she’s starting to climb the walls… you realise that when you’re rushing out to uni and she insists you skive off to stay with her. How awkward! In your rush to leave, you end up leaving your wanking fodder behind: a packet of cigarettes and your cum encrusted laptop. Fuck. Naturally, your aunt being the bored middle aged woman she is, she goes snooping… and all sorts of intense emotions come crashing over her at once. She touches herself looking at your porn history, sniffing the cigarettes she found and deciding that her life might not be over after all. When you realise you left your laptop, you rush back as quick as you can, and you can’t help but notice that your aunt is… different. She’s putting in an effort? Does she know? You follow her up to the bathroom, watching and listening to her come up with a plan to tease you with the cigarettes she stole. She opens the door to the bathroom, sees you standing there, and she lights up. You immediately get hard. She notices your erection and the tension between the two of you is palpable. When she talks about how immoral and incestuous this is, and how you can stop at any second, it just makes you grow harder. And soon? You’re balls deep inside your mothers sister and you just can’t help yourself while she puffs that smoke right into your horny little face.
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