In this video Alexa is a big bellied giantess, who comes across you, lost in the woods. You have strayed far from your little village looking for your friends and are so completely lost! You ask her - where could your friends have gone? At first she claims she doesn't know, but you fear she is toying with you and she knows exactly where they are, she is rubbing her belly in satisfaction, taunting you. She finally confesses, she ate all your little friends, they were nothing but a mere snack to her, just like you. They are now in her belly, she sent them there to their doom, and all her stomach acid is now digesting them completely. She wonders if some are still alive perhaps, squirming inside? She says you can go and find out. She swallows you whole, even though she is not really hungry, because she has eaten so many of your friends and family already, but she always has room for more! She says you can now join your friends. Down down down you go, into her stomach to join the "people soup" in her belly. Then she sits with her big, full belly protruding, and gently rubs and pats it, satisfied that she is now so very full, and is going to take a little nap in order to aid digestion, while her stomach acid works its magic, melting the flesh off your bones.
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