Smiley's co-workers invited her to a Halloween party. It says on the invitation that there will be an apple bobbing contest. She gets all dress up and heads to the party. When she gets there, she finds a giant container of thick, white goo in the middle of the room with apples floating in it. You see, Smiley works at a sperm bank and it looks like her co-workers have quite a dark sense of humor. They filled up the apple bobbing bucket with donor sperm. Smiley volunteers to go first and kneels down in front of the bucket, pushes her hair out of the way and puts her arms behind her back. She leans into the bucket and her hair immediately falls into the sperm and gets messy. She grabs an apple with her teeth and sits back up to revel that her face is caked with cum. It's thick and gloopy and sticks to her skin extremely well. Smiley laughs and jokes about getting a raise if she gets all the apples. She gives up on trying to protect her hair and keeps diving in face first to grab more and more apples. The cum completely soaks her shirt and outfit throughout the bobbing. She has some trouble with the last few apples and has to dives to the bottom of the bucket to grab them and her entire top half of her body is under the cum. Her butt is sticking out and her legs are kicking in the air. When she finally gets all the apples, she takes off her clothes and just enjoys the warm bucket of cum. She steps into the bucket and gets fully submerged. Cum fills the spaces inbetween her toes, coats her boobs and rolls down her skin very slowly. She rolls around and plays in the cum for a bit before getting up and tells her co-workers that they have to clean up the mess since she won the game.
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