Unworthy of My Pleasure. you think you're something special, don't you? Well, let Me burst that pathetic pale bubble of yours. you're not big enough, not skilled enough, and certainly not man enough to please a Goddess like Me. your feeble attempts at satisfaction are laughable at best. I require a level of expertise and endowment that you could only dream of possessing. your inadequacy is written all over your face, and it's painfully obvious in every fumbling move you make. you couldn't make Me happy if your life depended on it. Face the cold, hard truth: you're simply not enough. Not for Me, not for any Woman of true caliber. The sooner you accept your place as an unworthy admirer, the better off you'll be. Now, worship Me from afar - it's the only thing you're good for. * CC * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GOOD subbies use markup codes: +10%: Mus32924 +25%: Mus38588 +50%: Mus13626 +100%: Mus57677 +250%: Mus84284 +500%: Mus22495 +1000%: Mus35000 My Website: TheMuseNaadia.com My Twitter: Twitter.com/Muse_Naadia My Promo Twitter: Twitter.com/TheMuseNaadia My IG: Instagram.com/MuseNaadia My Wishlist's: SpoilNaadia.com
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