I cook up a potion at work to shrink you. I serve it to you at dinner. While watching you enjoy the meal, I attempt to talk to you about my concerns about you not working, playing video games all day and simply not picking up the slack. You give me the usual excuses, how tired you are looking for jobs and stressed about not having any work. You start to get annoyed about me being upset. I'm never upset, and always stay quiet to keep you happy. I assure you that I'm not upset and tell you to enjoy the meal. Moments later, your vision goes wonky, everything feels weird. You're scared. I assure you everything is okay. I'll take care of you. Next thing you know, you wake up as small as an ant! I walk up to you in my big heels and pick you up. I explain to you that I had to do this so that you would listen to me. I just want us to work out. I tell you how tired I am being on my feet all day and I'm tired of coming home to rub yours. This time, you can rub mine. I put you back down to rub my huge feet. You complain about the smell but I tell you to hold your breath. Later, I pick you back up, you yell at me and demand me to turn you back to normal. I promise you I will. Eventually. I start to get hungry and wonder what you would taste like. I wonder if you'd be crunchy or chewy. You get scared again, and I seem to be happy about it. I start to tease you by putting you in my mouth. You beg me at this point. You tell me to put you down and leave you alone. I agree to put you down then start messing with you about stepping on you. I get close and start to get meaner about it. You're entirely powerless. I apologize and pick you back up. I have one final thing to tell you before I make you big again. I went through your phone. I know about the other woman. You're staying small, and I am going to eat you. I tilt my head back and drop you down my throat. Maybe you'll come out whole and this will just be a silly argument. Or maybe not :)
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